Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Understanding The Benefits Of Cannabis For Dogs

Cannabis for dogs has been tested and proven to have a lot of benefits. It is a safe and natural solution for keeping your dog healthier for longer.  It is something that you should definitely try if you want your furry friend to be healthy and lively.
Cannabis oil for dogs is a wonderful treat because it provides a wide array of benefits. It not only helps treat specific medical problems, but it also helps keep multiple illnesses at bay. One of the things that this compound can certainly do is help treat chronic inflammation in dogs. The Omega 3 and Omega 6 that this oil contains act as super nutrients. The most important role of these nutrients is treating inflammation.
Chronic inflammation causes a number of problems in dogs, including kidney and liver illnesses, cancer, IBD among other problems. You can use cannabis for dogs to alleviate inflammation and also treat chronic inflammation.

Cannabis for dogs can also be very helpful in treating inflammatory bowel disease. Pets are prone to digestion problems. If you are a new dog owner, this is one of the major medical emergencies that you will have to deal with.

The most common of these digestion problems is inflammatory bowel disease. It is a reaction to chronic irritation in the intestinal tract and causes a lot of pain and suffering to dogs. Cannabis oil can be used to treat this condition because it possesses antibiotic properties that help restore normal gut motility. Even if you take your dog to a vet, they are most likely to recommend trying cannabis oil.

Cannabis for dogs can also help treat nausea in your furry friend. If you notice your dog vomiting, it is most likely to be as a result of nausea.  There are so many things than can cause nausea, including reaction to specific medication, change in food, motion sickness or some other illness. Cannabis oil can be very effective in treating this condition.

For more information on the benefits of cannabis for dogs, visit our website at https://www.ellevetsciences.com/

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Understanding What Medical Cannabis For Dogs Can Do

As a pet owner, you are likely to have your ears out to the latest news regarding how to treat your furry friend. You have probably already heard of medical cannabis for dogs, and you may be wondering if it is something that could benefit your dog. There is a variety of pet CBD companies out there that have formulated great products that are specifically designed to be used with animals. If you just get the right medical cannabis treats, they can help your furry friend in the following ways.

One of the things that medical cannabis for dogs would do is promote anti-inflammatory responses in your pet’s body. This makes this compound a promising treatment for various inflammatory conditions, including dysplasia’s, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, just to mention a few.

Another thing that medical cannabis for dogs can do is help fight anxiety. The most common anxiety in dogs is separation anxiety, but some dogs also suffer from anxiety when socializing with other dogs, traveling in the car or when a storm strikes. Because of its anti-anxiety effects, medical cannabis can be a great way to help anxious and nervous dogs deal with their symptoms.
Medical cannabis for dogs can also help reduce seizures. Nothing can be as shocking as watching your furry friend suffer from an epileptic seizure. The sad news is that epilepsy affects very many dogs, and some breeds are more at-risk of dealing with this condition than others. The good news is that there is a sound body of research proving that medical cannabis has anticonvulsant properties.

Last but not least, medical cannabis for dogs can help fight the growth and spread of tumors in your furry friend. Not only is cancer a deadly illness to humans, but also to dogs. But you do not have to be devastated if cancer diagnosis from your vet shows that your pup has cancer. New research shows that medical cannabis can help prevent the spread and growth of various tumors.

For more info on medical cannabis for dogs, visit our website at https://www.ellevetsciences.com/